Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Gerbils and Hamsters > What is going wrong? 2nd Syrian Hamster dead with in 2 weeks ; (

What is going wrong? 2nd Syrian Hamster dead with in 2 weeks ; (

21 11:56:38

Thank you for the reply, sorry when i said saw dust i meant like wood chippings.... This is the picture of the cage we got and the wood chippings and same setup...

Is this cage and setup ok for them?
Also Should we buy this Dry tail and give it to the new hamster to help prevent it getting wet tail if we get another?

With both hamsters we did not handle them at all as we wanted to make sure they would settle in for at least a week before handling them, is this the rite thing to do? Or should we handle it after 2 day to show it affection?

Thank you very much

The text above is a follow-up to ...

My Girl friend has moved into her new flat and is feeling a bit alone at time so had been bugging me for a hamster. So I got her a Syrian Hamster for her birthday with her, with a cage and starter pack which had saw dust, vitamins, food, bedding and book.

We were advised that when putting the hamster in the cage for the first time to leave it alone for at least 2 days so it could get use to its new home.

Things were Great for the fist few days but then noticed that the hamster did not move about allot, eyes were closed most of the time and started to smell.

We took it back to the pet shop (Pets at Home Ltd) and was told it had wet tail, which is from stress?

We were given the option to let the store buy it off us to treat until better or exchange for new one.

We went for a new one, and took it home.
We cleaned the old cage out very well with all new bedding and saw dust and it looked to be happy for a few days and then the same thing again has happened but this time it sadly died after only 2 days of showing wet tail symptoms.

Both hamsters lasted 1 week each before they died.

This has made my girl friend very sad as she had got close to both hamsters in such a short time by giving them names and putting allot of effort to do the best for both of them by reading the book that came in the starter pack, cleaning cage once a week and keeping a eye on it. She is now not sure if she wants another one as we do not want to let any more hamsters die.

One thing I did noticed when we picked up the new hamster was that it had a big belly, which after reading on this question board it could have already had wet tail?

What are we doing wrong?

Thank you for your time.

Hi Marek,

 It is possible that the hamsters had wet tail. This disease is generally triggered by stress associated with weaning, environmental changes, malnutrition, dirty cages and overcrowding. The medication sold at pet stores for wet tail, called dri tail, does not cure wet tail, it only helps with the symptoms. The best way to cure it is to see a vet and get the proper antibiotics.
 The one thing you mentioned that concerned me was the saw dust. Hamsters should not have saw dust in their cage. It can cause many allergies and even death. I am pretty sure this was the problem and would suggest if you get another hamster, do not put the saw dust in the cage. Aspen bedding or critter care bedding works great and will not harm the hamster.
 The hamster with the big belly more than likely had tumors. Which is common in hamsters.
 Here are some things to look for in picking a heathy hamster: They should be very active, up looking around and being curious. Their eyes should be clear, no discharge. Their coat (fur) should be well groomed, no bald spots. The body should not have any lumps or bumps. Check the bottom area. Make sure it is not wet and that it is clean, not dirty looking. The body should be broad and round. Also look around their cage to see if it is clean and check the other hamsters in the cage as well.
 Hamsters are a wonderful pet to have. They can bring much joy to a persons life and I hope your girlfriend decides to get another one. Just remember no saw dust and the things to watch for when picking a hamster.
 If you have anymore question, please write again.

Thank you for writing, so sorry for the loss of your hamsters and best of luck if you decide to get another.

Hello Marek,

 The cage you sent a picture of is all right for one hamster. As long as the bedding is aspen or critter care, the hamster should be fine. One of the things that concerns me with this type of cage though, is that I didn't see any air holes in the tubing. The main thing you have to watch for in this type of cage is that the hamster may take some bedding and block the tubes. If you don't keep an eye on this and the hamster blocks the tube, he/she could suffocate.
 As for buying the dri tail, I would not suggest it. Dri tail does not cure wet tail, it only helps with the symptoms. That means that the bacteria will lay dormant and be even stronger when it flares up again (if you feel the hamster may have wet tail, you may want to consult with a vet). I would suggest following the "picking a healthy hamster" that I had written in your previous question. Also, if possible, I would try going to a different pet store. It sounds like the one you went to before may have gotten a bad batch of hamsters.
 If you decide to get another hamster, give him or her at least 3 days to get used to their new home and their surroundings. On the 2nd day it is all right to stand by the hamsters cage and talk to them. This gives them a chance to get used to your voice and your scent. Hamsters love to be talked to.
He/she will respond to you by standing on their hind legs and looking at you. After the 3rd day you may try to pick him/her up. Make sure that you put your hand in slow so you don't startle them. Also it is best to cup one hand over them for the first few times, just in case they try to jump out of your hands.
 If you have anymore questions, please feel free to write again.

Thanks again for writing!