Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Gerbils and Hamsters > sad hamster and parents not willing.

sad hamster and parents not willing.

21 11:50:45

QUESTION: My friend had just given me a Campbells/Winter White Hybrid Hamster that her hamster gave birth to. Its a month old and i just got it a week ago. A yesterday i just had noticed a bald stop on its head and that it keeps scratching its head. My other friend had also recived i had read online that it maybe ringworms or mites. i had asked my parents to take it too the vet but say we cant afford it. I was wonder if you know any medications or product i can buy with going to a vet? or if you have a couple of hundred bucks i can borrow?
ANSWER: Hello Joanna,
what type of bedding are you using? Ceder and pine cause alelrgies and switching to a bedding like carefresh or soft-sorbent bedding is generally better as it doesn't cause severe allergies like ceder or pine. If it's mites you can use flea and tick spray for small animals. As far as getting rid of ringworms, I would personally call a vet and ask what is available over the counter to buy as I am not too sure about how to treat ringworms in hamsters besides going to a vet to receive ointment or antibiotics. The best thing that is good to get rid of ringworms is buying an antifungal cream. I hope that helps.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: thanks for answering my question. I was also wondering if my hamster has ringworms can humans contract it? and again thank you.

Oh yes, humans can get ringworms from hamsters. The thing is are you sure it's a ringworm because the tell tale signs is generally a raised ring around the skin and generally the hamster might have more worms, if he's scratching at it so much. I would certainly use medical gloves when handling your hamster while he has ringworms.