Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Gerbils and Hamsters > how can u test if ur hamster is pregnent

how can u test if ur hamster is pregnent

21 11:30:55

How can you tell that your hamster is pregnant 2 days after they mated? please plaese tell me soon as I really need to know thanks!

Hi Tess,

i am sorry but there is no sure way to tell if your hamster is pregnant - the vet may be able to do tests, i am not sure about that, but there is no sure way for you to know yourself.

Sometimes you can not even tell the day before - some hamsters dont even look any fatter!  Most hamsters only look pregnant if they are having a large litter and then only a day or two before the birth!

The only sure way to know if a mating was successful is if the female gives birth between 22 and 30 days after the mating.

Kind Regards,
