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hamster has a red cyst

21 11:10:45

My hammie Princess Leia just grew an unsightly red cyst on the underside of her belly by her rear leg, it is about the size of a US dime. But it looks like it retracts back into a hole. It's bright red with a white head in the middle. I was cuddling with her 2 days ago and it wasn't there. I clean her cage thoroughly once a week and take out soiled bedding daily. She is about a year old. If you need a picture please advise. Oh and she didn't whine or complain when I picked her up today and noticed this growth. Thanks for your insight

Hi Jennifer

If this is a cyst then it will probably need draining and/or antibiotics prescribed, which would mean getting a vet to look at it.  Are you sure it isn't a nipple that has become inflammed?  Have you tried to gently squeeze it to see if anything comes out - be careful as you don't want to cause her any harm/discomfort.  If you apply a warm cloth to it then gently squeeze and see if there is any pus or discharge.  If this is a tumor, it will be quite shiny and they do not have a white head and you definitely don't want to squeeze it or it can rupture. If this is a spot, then you might be able to clean it.  

If you are in any doubt it would definitely be worth getting a vet to check this out.  Even if it is a spot and you manage to clean it, you may still need antibiotics to prevent any spread of infection.

I hope you get on OK.
