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Hamsters Fur

21 13:28:40


I have had my dwarf hamsters for a month and today have noticed that their fur looks wet/greasy? Any idea if what has happened or if they are ill?

Dear Carla,
thank you for your question.
Do you offer a bowl with chinchilla sand for the hamsters? If not, you need to do so so that they can keep their fur clean, it gets greasy without that.
Apart from that, I cannot think of a reason just now. If you offer a sand bath, can you tell me what else is in the cage and what they were fed in the past few days?

I strongly recommend seperating the hamsters. They are just as solitary as Syrian hamsters, but tend to live together more or less peacefully for a longer time. Usually, the fighting starts after 7-8 months and you might not notice it at first or until it's too late. Even if they don't fight, one hamster will always be the weaker one and both will be constantly stressed just by the presence of another hamster.
I hope I was of some help to you