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Smelly Dwarf Hamster

21 11:55:48

I've had my Dwarf hamster for about 3 weeks.  She has started to smell funny.  Do they stink when in heat?  I clean the cage once a week or as often as needed.  But she still smells.  She always seems to be grooming herself, but the smell stays in my hands and clothing after I play with her?  Can she be sweating?  My mom does not like the smell at all, and I don't want to stop petting her just because her smell gets on me.  Thank you.

Dear Rahael,
thank you for your question.
The hamster herself shouldn't be smelly at all. Males will smell at times when they are stressed or want to mate, but not constantly. It might be a health problem, so I recommend seeing a vet with her, especially if the scent gland under her belly is crusty or looks inflamed.
Does she have a sand bath? Cleaning her once a week is too often. Once every three weeks or so is enough and always leave some of the old bedding in the cage so that she still feels at home. That way, she doesn't have to mark her territory all over again every time you clean her and she will smell less although you don't clean her as often. The toilet corner should be cleaned every few days, though.
I hope I was of some help to you