Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Gerbils and Hamsters > mom died

mom died

21 13:32:13

Hi Deborah,

Something weird happened yesterday,  the pups are 2weeks old and the mom died, there was blood in the cage.  The babies are okay but what do I do now, I gave them some luke low fat milk and they drank it, I also gave them some scrambled egg and they liked it alot. Is that okay? There was nothing wrong with the mom so what could've happened?
Please help.


Sorry to hear about your mother hamster :( I'm unable to tell you the cause of death, but a vet will be able to. The pups should be able to cope fine on their own at 2 weeks old. Make sure that the water bottle is low enough for them to reach and also provide them with lots of fresh fruit or vegetables. Egg and milk soaked in bread is also good.

Good luck with the pups!
