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Hamster harness

21 13:31:36

How can I make a hamster harness

Dear Hannah,
thank you for your question.
You cannot get a hamster to wear a harness. He will not get used to it and will always try (and be able) at escape. Hamsters can make themselves very thin and a harness tight enough to hold the hamster will suffocate him.

Hamster balls seem like a great idea at first, but the hamster is not able to control the ball properly and there are known cases or hamsters with broken legs because the ball got out of control, tumbled down stairs or because the hamster got stuck in the ventilation slits.
Apart from that, hamsters rely on their sense of smell and their hearing to find their way around. In the ball they can smell nothing and they hear nothing but the noise of the ball.
I'm sorry, but the only way to let a hamster roam the house is in a hamster-safe room or in a playpen.
I hope I was of some help to you