Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Gerbils and Hamsters > I really want to try

I really want to try

21 11:32:08

I have had a teddy bear hamster since june 18th and the problem is that he is
biting his cage sleeping in his wheel(I have a critter trail X) and taking all his
food up to his bed and dumping it. I really want to spend more time with him
and I was wondering if you could give a few ideas for things to do with him so
he'll stop doing things like biting the bars on his cage....PLEASE HELP!!!!

I hate to say it, but there isn't much you can do to change your hams behavior. Sure those cages look like total packages to us, but most hams don't use the intended areas for intended usage. Almost everyone who has an attached wheel cage has told me their hamster uses it as a bed instead of a wheel. Aquarium cages are the way to go, they provide a clean slate for creating your own hamster world, and provide the best access to your hamster at any time. Getting an aquarium is my only advice for this situation.