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21 13:29:20

my hamsters nails are getting long what should i do?

Hi Hannah,

Lining a box with sandpaper and letting the hamster run around in the box for a short while each evening will often file the nails down. (Sandpaper should *not* be used to line the floor of the cage.)  If, after a week or so, the nails are still too long, they will need to be trimmed.  I very strongly advise you to let a vet trim them.  Vets charge very little for this process, and they are experienced.  If a veterinarian is not available, you can trim the nails yourself, but be extremely careful.  Have someone hold the hamster, and clip the nails.  Be very careful, and dont' clip too much, as you may clip the skin, causing the hamster's toe to bleed.  Use the smallest nail clippers you can find, with a narrow cutting strip.

If you have any other questions, please feel free to ask.
