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my syrain hamster

21 12:01:50

Ihave a syrain hamster and last nite she took all her bedding from the top of the cage where she sleeps and took it toough all the tunnels to the bottom of the cage at now that were she slept all day today is this normal belle my hamster is about 1 year old we got her last christmas she was a baby please cud u help me karen thanks

Hi Ruth,

It is very normal for hamsters to move their bed around. It's kind of like they get tired of sleeping in the same spot. You mentioned tunnels on her cage. Word of advise, tunnels are fine and hamsters love them but make sure that the tunnels stay free of bedding. Sometimes a hamster will pack the tunnels with bedding. This could be very dangerous and even cause death from suffocation.

Thank you for your question!