Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Gerbils and Hamsters > what should i do to my gerbles tail when his furr fell off his tail

what should i do to my gerbles tail when his furr fell off his tail

21 12:02:03

i have problem with gerble becasue his fur fell off of his tail and all blood fell out of the the tail and now im sad i need help with that if u can help mee ok  

Hi Annmarie,

This is usually an avoidable problem.  Make sure your gerbil's wheel is solid, with no rungs; gerbils' tails can get caught in the rungs.  Also, never pick up your gerbil by its tail.

Is your gerbil's tail still bleeding?  If so, he should go to the vet.  Otherwise, there's not much else you can do.  The tail will not grow back, but it won't bother the gerbil, and he won't be in pain.  If the wound becomes infected, however, he should go to the vet.

If you have any other questions, please feel free to ask.
