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Doesnt Make Sense

21 11:51:50

Hello, I read lots of places that Golden hamsters cannot live together and will kill other hamsters. I've seen in stores, like my local petstore, the keep Golden hamsters in the same cage and I haven't seen an blood or anything. If Golden hamsters can't live together, why do petstores keep them in the same cage? I want a Golden hamster, about 2 to live in the same cage, but if it's true they can't live together, then why do petstores keep them living together?  

Please reply,

You may not see any blood because before the store opens they go in there and make sure there aren't any dead hamsters. From experience they kill each other and almost every other day we would find one that was killed and so we would clean the cage so customers wouldn't see it. The reason why petstores do it is because they don't have the room to put one hamster per cage. It's only a temporary thing and so petstores will often compromise space to put more than one hamster in a cage. The down side is they may lose a hamster or two because they will fight. I wouldn't put two golden hamsters in a cage permenantly, you may witness something you won't like.