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bed moving

21 11:32:12

My daughter has a female syrian hamster (18months old) and every so often she
moves her bed.  We had been away for one night and when we came back she
had moved her bed.  Why does she do this?  We dont normally leave her alone
but this was a one off do yopu think she knew she had been left even though a
light hasd been left on for her

Hi Kathryn

Sometimes hamsters just move their nests.  I don't think there is any real explanation for it. Syrians aren't as bad a dwarf hamsters who tend to like several places to sleep.They are generally very clean animals, and like to have a corner for their toilet, a special place for food storage, and a place for sleeping.  But if you put a new house or toy in the cage, they often decide to sleep in that for a while - including the wheel from time to time.

If the temperature in the house changes dramatically, this can make them relocate their nest - in the summer, they might prefer to sleep out of their nest and in the cooler weather I find they tend to tuck themselves in and even take their wood chippings into their nest to make it cosy and block out any draughts - even though my home is centrally heated!

This is perfectly normal behavior for them, so don't worry about it.
