Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Gerbils and Hamsters > How do i tell if...

How do i tell if...

21 11:54:28

 I have a few concerns about how to find out certain thing about my hamster.  I was wondering if you could tell me:

How do I tell if my Dwarf hamster is blind?
How do I tell if my hamster is male or female?
How often should I pick my hamster up?
And last, How often do I give my hamster a treat and of what amount?

Thank you very much for helping me care for my hamster!

Dear Anadia,

I'm not exactly sure that you can tell if your hamster is blind, but if you take her to the vet, they may be able to help.
If it is male, the openings on its underside will be closer together, a females are more spread out.
you can pick up your hamster as often as you like, but I would say to pick up and play with her at least once a day.
you can give your hamster a treat daily, as long as she is of normal weight, other wise every other day. Treats are normally the size of a pea to the size of a dime. one of these treats a day is fine.
Hope this helps!