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my hampster has just had babys

21 11:59:27

4 weeks ago i bought 2 russion dwarfs i kept them together in a large cage but after 2 weeks they started fighting so i bought a small cage and seperated them now i have just checked on them and the one in the smaller cage has just had babies the mother is in the house in the cage with them but one baby has been left outside what should i do

Dear Kay,
thank you for your question.
You can gently move the baby towards the entrance of the house with a stick or something, it's best when it's something taken from the cage so that the mother won't be disturbed by any strange smells. If you have to touch the baby, rub your hands with bedding from the cage (bedding from the toilet corner is best because it has the strongest smell).
The baby might be sick or dying when the mother ignores it like this, but some hamster are just stressed out and confused by their babies. She might take it in fine, but if she doesn't you have to try and handfeed it yourself. Here's a good site with info on handraising rodents:

I hope I was of some help to you