Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Gerbils and Hamsters > my hamster wont take care of her babies

my hamster wont take care of her babies

21 11:49:50

hi, i got a hamster who wont take care of her babies. i had to put the babies next to her to drink her milk. can u answer my question?

Hi Cristopher,

The reason why your hamster won't take care of her babies, is probably because you or a member of your family touched them, or the nest shortly after birth. Not touching the babies is something a lot of people don't know about so don't blame yourself, it's just one of those things. Because mummy hamster can smell your scent from the babies and the nest, she will neglect them and stop caring for them.

I suggest you get the little ones to a vet or rescue centre to see if they can be adopted and cared for until they are old enough to be rehomed.

thanks for your question. best of luck.

joanne x