Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Gerbils and Hamsters > Sneezing


21 11:11:31

Thanks for the quick reply, it seems anything with dust in it, even oatmeal or his food that has crumbled also makes him sneeze. If he's just wandering around in his cage he doesn't seem to sneeze, but when he is rummaging for food or nose to the ground, it starts. I can't think of anything we've done differently, I'm very careful about cleaners scents used etc,and nothing new. As a last resort for his nest I was thinking of giving him a cotton face cloth or piece of cotton t-shirt. I don't think he'd eat it as he does have trouble chewing anything with his teeth. Any thoughts? Thanks again :) (I think I typed my e-mail wrong last time...oops)

Cotton cloth shouldn't be an issue as long as it's dye free. I'd cut big strips so he'd have trouble stuffing it in his mouth. You could also use shreds of paper towel. The only drawback of using those things is they don't lock moisture so you'd have to be really vigilant on changing them out for fresh ones when he soils a spot.