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Hamster swollen toe/bump

21 11:50:49

My hamsters toe is swollen and im not sure how maybe she got it caught on something or my other one got in a fight with her. its at least 2 centimeters big and is a light red color. what should i do to help her. also she has a bump on the back of her back and she sometimes sits and holds were it is its brown and hard. please help me help my hamster.

Hello Jordan,
It sounds like she probably got it caught in something. That's really normal for it to happen to hamsters. It sounds like your hamster probably got it caught on the wheel or something. The best thing to do is to make sure that your hamster is comfortable. The swelling is normal and if it turns any other color besides the red and pink I'd take your hamster into a vets office to get it's toe checked out to make sure he's okay. He should get better, I'd take the wheel out the cage so he won't use it until his toe gets better. Good luck and keep me posted.