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What kind?

21 11:56:18

I would like to have a dwarf hamster but I am not sure which type of hamster to get. I would like to know which type is easiest to tame and train. So I was wondering if you could help.

Dear Marie,
thank you for your question.
Roborovski dwarfs are the smallest of the dwarf hamster species and they are only for watching because they are so fast and usually won't sit on your hand. Chinese hamster look more like a mouse than a hamster and have a slightly longer tail than the other hamsters. They are hard to get, depending on where you live, but they are friendly and can be tamed well.
Campbell and Winter White (Russian) dwarfs are the most common of the dwarf hamster species and look very much alike, there are even hybrids between those two species. They are friendly and inquisitive, which makes them easy to tame. In a cage that is too small they tend to be aggressive, though, and will attack their owner's hand. A 20g or a cage that is at least 24x12x12 inches long, wide and high is the minimum for all dwarf hamsters in my opinion becuase they are so very active. None of them can be kept in pairs or groups, at least not for a longer time, they tend to fight sooner or later.
Hamsters don't learn to do tricks the way mice or rats do, they are not intelligent enough. Most of them will recognise their owner and will beg to be given treats or let out of their cage.
I hope I was of some help to you