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My gerbil isnt eating

21 13:32:17

I have a like 2 year old gerbil named Kirby.
He always eats out of my dads hand at around 700 and my dad has back =
problems now and Kirby isnt eating at all. He does have a weird tumer =
thing on his stomach that he has had almost right after we got him and =
it hasnt seemed to be a problem for him. I was just wondering if there =
is ANYthing i can do because its very sad and he just looked run down =
and oh one of his eyes is alot larger than the other now and i picked =
him up 5 minutes ago and there is something like puss like in his eye. =
Please email me back thank you

You should take Kirby to the vet if you can. Tumors aren't rare but not common in gerbils. If its removed there's a chance he might live a while with you otherwise the tumor will take his quality of life away and he'll slowly die. Good luck.
