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my bites-a-lot Dwarf Hamster

21 11:55:55

Dear Kathryn,
   I just got my Dwarf hamster Lola yesterday. I am very eager to get to play with her, but she has a tendency for biting till the point that it bleeds.In the short time that I've had her she has bitten everyone in my family at LEAST three times! For no reason at all she'll bite us, and I don't know why. If I knew, I wouldn't agervate her. Please help me.
                    Danielle Lamedman

Hello Danielle,
I am sorry you are having problems with your hamster. Dwarf hamsters often bite, but hopefully that'll be sorted!
Since you just bought her yesterday, I would leave her for a few days to get used to her environment. Speak to her gently and softly, to tell her you mean no harm. If she bites even when you put your hand near her, I would handle her bedding before putting it in the cage to get your scent on it. That may relax her a little. Wash your hands before touching her, to get any food smells off your fingers, as they have bad eyesight, and may mistake your finger for something yummy!
If you come at her from above, it seems to them like a hawk grabbing them, so put your hand out in front of her, and don't move it. Eventually she will come to you and know that you will not hurt her. It takes time but soon she will not bite any more.
Wishing you and Lola the best of luck,