Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Gerbils and Hamsters > Are regular hamsters syrian hamsters?

Are regular hamsters syrian hamsters?

21 12:01:34

Question nams is savneet my bro just bought 2 hamsters about a week ago they are a bit older than a month now or so the pet store says...they told us that the hamsters came from a breeder but thats not the the store they called them "regular hamster" im pretty sure there is no breed called "regular" and i dont trust my bro even tho he is 18 n im 12 but still...i wana know if they are syrian hamsters cuz he has them together (both females) but there are 2 cages cuz the cages arent tht big...i just want to know because i know syrian hamsters fight after they are like...2 monthes old...i just wanted to know...thanks;)
Sincerely, Savneet

Hi Savneet,

More than likely they are a type of syrian hamster. Generally that is the type that most pet stores carry. And yes you are right, they will start to fight each other soon. Female hamsters are very territorial and should be put in thier own cage.

Thank you for your question!