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21 11:14:55

Hi! I have a dwarf hamster who is a little over 2 years old now and i got just got a new hamster, which is a albino dwarf, last week. I want to show them to be able to put them in the same cage, but I don't know how. I already put them on the floor together and they sort of fought. What should I do? Also i hate to through things out at you but when I brought my new hamster home it was a six hour ride, and she is sort of messy in her lower area is that ok?

Hi Steph

Introducing dwarf hamsters to one another is very difficult if not impossible when they are young.  But to try and introduce a young one to an old one I think is asking for trouble.  As you discovered, when you put them together on the floor they fought.  Dwarf hamsters become very territorial and I think that if you tried putting them together in a cage they will continue to fight and one might end up either seriously injured or dead.  I would strongly advise that you don't try this again, but instead get another cage/tank and let them live on their own.  I know that it means double the cleaning out but it is the best option.

With regard to your new hamster - they can get very stressed and this can cause diarrhea.  Some people call this 'wet tail' although true wet tail is an actual disease.  It is important to monitor this as if she is suffering from diarrhea, this can become very serious.

How is she now?  Has she settled down a bit?  Is there any sign of diarrhea/wet rear end?  If she is OK, then I think that if she gets her own cage, she will settle down on her own.  If there is still sign of diarrhea/wet rear, then you need to get her some rehydration powder and probiotic.  You can get some that is designed for small animals from your vet, or pet shop.  If you can't get this then oral rehydation powders that are sold for human consumption are fine.  Mix one according to the instructions and, using a dropper, give her some of this.  You can also fill her water bottle with it.  I suggest you give this several times a day until she is better.  Regarding the probiotic - the one designed for pets is called AviPro.  However, if you can't get this, then if you buy some acidophilus from the health shop.  You need the capsules that you can open and empty out the powder content.  Mix a couple of the contents of these capsules in with her water and again you can give this via a dropper if she is really sick.

With diarrhea, it is very important that you wash your hands thoroughly.  She should not come into contact with your other hamster and you shouldn't handle them straight after each other so that you don't cross infect.  Avoid giving her any food that can aggravate - lettuce can cause diarrhea and this should be avoided.  I suggest you just give her dry mix for a few days, then introduce some fresh vegetables - such as broccoli or mini corn on the cob.  If she gets any worse you may need to get a vet to check her out, but hopefully her messy rear end is just a 'one off'.

I hope you get on OK.
