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Gerbil Sleeping a lot!

21 11:10:47

Hi Jedediah,
I got two gerbils about a month or so ago, and they live in
the same cage, but one of them (a darkish brown, Derek) is
always active, eats everything and jumps on everything. The
other however, (white and sandy brown, with pink eyes, hence
the name Mr Pink), rarely gets out of his bed. Sleeps A LOT
and is significantly smaller than Derek. Is this common for
the breed or two gerbils living together?

Dear Craig,
thank you for your question.
Are they supposed to be the same age? Then the difference in size is definitely cause to worry. Sleeping a lot is also not really normal for gerbils. Some may not get up during the day, but they should both be active during the night. I wuld recommend seeing a vet with both to find out if there are any health problems.
This website has a list of recommended vets:
and here's another one:

I hope I was of some help to you