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Gerbils - can have hay?

21 11:55:24

i just got 2 gerbils and the pet shop said dont give them hay as they put it in their pouch and it can be spikey for them. but on the web it says to mix the wood shaving with hay so their tunnels will be supported. so i didnt know if to give them hay. so anyway i mixed hay with their bedding and even still the tunnels just collapse, what can i use as  a bedding they can tunnel in thats strong and should i continue giving them hay, also can you feed them spiders? also ive had trouble keeping dwarf hamsters together as they always fighted so i was worried about getting 2 gerbils. if they fight and have to be split up will they not get lonely etc on their own? thanks, elle


Hay is ok for them! I give mine hay, they shouldn't have straw as that is coarse and spikey!!! Woodshavings is the best thing to use really for their bed, and they will be able to make tunnels in it, it will take time for them to learn properly!!! You can use animal sand, or peat but peat can get damp and uncomfortable for them!!
I would not feed them spiders as it is something they would never have in the wild, and not something i have heard of giving to gerbils!!

If you got them together then they shouldn't fight, they should be happy!! It is very rare that they will turn on each other, this is much more common with the dwarf hamsters!!! If they did fight and had to be split then yes they maybe a littlt lonely, but as long as you could give them love and attention it should be fine!! But you shouldn't need to split them!!

Hope this helps,