Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Gerbils and Hamsters > is my hamster sick???

is my hamster sick???

21 13:31:23

my hamster ( star ) will be 1 on the 13th january 2005.
i picked her up this afternoon and noticed her bum/female parts were wet and i was very smelly.
i noticed it because it look a kind of browny orange colour but that might be cause she is orange and white.
she is a syrian hamster and i love her to bits.

lauren xxx

Yes, I think your hamster has wet-tail.  With wet-tail the hamsters tail, anal area, and belly are damp or soiled with excrements.  Take your hamster to a vet immediately.  The vet will prescribe an antibiotic to be given in the drinking water.
     Hope this helps and Star gets better soon!