Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Gerbils and Hamsters > Lost dwarf hamster

Lost dwarf hamster

21 13:25:30

Dear kelly,
          My cousins were playing with my hamster and took the wheel of the cage and left it of.They put the hamster back in the cage and my cousins and i Left for two days.My room is a little cluttered and I don't know what to do!

Hi Kelly,

First, make sure all the doors in your house stay closed.  And watch where you walk!  Make sure none of the electrical wires in your house are not on the floor.  Then, put some food in the floor of each room.  (Try an apple slice, which has a strong smell.)  Keep checking each room to see where the food has been eaten.  Once you see that the food is gone, you'll know what room your hamster is in.  Then you can search carefully.

A tricker method: Place a towel in the bottom of a bucket.  Then, place a piece of apple in the bucket.  Make a little staircase out of books leading up to the top of the bucket.  Your hamster may fall for the trick, and you may find him in the bucket.

If you have any other questions, please feel free to ask.
