Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Gerbils and Hamsters > help me please. fast!!!!!!!!!!

help me please. fast!!!!!!!!!!

21 13:32:26

ok, my hamster ran away about, 3 days ago. i've been worried sick!!! My brother just found her inside a citronella candel chewing on the wax and she had some in her cheeks. I got out what was in there, but I don't know if she swallowed any or not! If she did, what should I do?!?!?!?!?!

Hey, Jeannie.
You shouldn't worry about it too much.  Even if she did swallow some of the wax, it shouldn't do any harm.  Just keep a close eye on her anyway, and make sure she's eating and drinking water, and she should be fine.

Hope that helps and best wishes to all of you.