Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Gerbils and Hamsters > hair loss?

hair loss?

21 13:29:47

Hi, have a 10 month old syrian hamster... shes always been an
odd colour, somewhere between grey and caramel, almost mink,
and her fur has recently changed colour completely.  shes light
on top and developing markings i'd not seen before, if you
stroke her against the grain her fur is dark underneath.  i know
they get different coats come winter but...

on her right hip the fur seems thinner than anywhere else and
you can acutally see the skin.  in the right position she almost
has a patch of it missing and the pink of her belly is visible,
although this isnt so unusual in light hamsters i know.

shes lost a little weight but i know thats normal for this time of
year (and shes still around 160gms), my other syrians always did...
active as ever, no unusual
smells or discharges, bright eyed and alert, is this new
patchiness somethign i should visit vet for (as she really doesnt
get on with vets) ?  Thanks for any comments.


Hi Nell,

Hamsters' fur naturally becomes lighter with age, although it does seem as if your hamster has experienced this a little early.  Still, every hamster is different, and many hamsters lighten in winter anyway, like you stated, so so it's possible her fur will darken in the warmer months.

As for the spot on her hip - This is most likely a "hip spot" - makes sense :)  Hip spots are more noticeable on males than on females.  Hamsters have scent glands on their hips, and to mark their territory, they rub the glands on the sides of their cages.  This is perfectly normal.

If you have any other questions, please feel free to ask.
