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has my hamster have constipation???

21 13:32:20

Dear Suzi,
I have got this really cute and adorable little roborovski hamster,but i'm worried about her,over the past few days,i've seen that Ginny(my hamster)has got this bulgdy thing right under her tail and it's all red!
My freind and i think that she might have constipation and that can be very serious
is it constipation or not,plz tell me!!!if it is i have to go to the vets right away!!!
luv Natasha

Sounds like little Ginny is a he and not a she! these bulgy bits are actually his testicals, and they would drop down when its warmer.
 Its unlikely that shes constipated. If you're unsure, my site has a section on sexing hamsters, and you can compare the picture with your hamsters underside.Male hamsters have 2 holes which are generally further apart than female hamsters and this will tell you whether your hamster is male or female.
 If you're still unsure take your hamster to the vet just to check. but i'm pretty sure nothing is wrong with your hammy, just the pet shop gave you a female rather than i male!
 i hope this helps
my site is
suzi x