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Hamster Babies!

21 11:14:39

My female syrian hamster just had babies (we dont know how many yet because we do not want to disturb the momma hamster) anyways the babies are now 2 weeks and 3 days old but I was wondering at what age can we separate the boys from the mom, minimum? I know the maximum age we can separate the boys from the mom is at 4 weeks. I was wondering if I could separate them at around 3 weeks of age, if not please tell me at what time is considered best to take them out?   

Many Thanks, Emilia Chrostek

Hi Emilia

It's great to hear that your hamster has had babies.  By now they should be leaving the nest and it is OK for you to handle them now - in fact the more you handle them, the tamer they will be.  Make sure you handle them all the same amount and make a real fuss of the mum too so that she isn't worried at all. I usually set the cage down on the floor and sit beside it.  I always handle the babies over my lap one at a time - they are very jumpy at this age and can catapult out of your hands really easily so be careful.  If you can, try to handle them for a few minutes each morning and night and gradually increase the handling time each day.  If they are difficult to tell apart, transfer them all into a carry case, then handle them one at a time before returning them to their cage.  This way you will know that they all get the same amount of handling time.

Regarding sexing them and separating out the boys - this should be done at 4 weeks.  Prior to this they really need to stay with mum.  As you know the exact day they were born, to be on the safeside, I advise that you sex them about one day before the 4 week deadline.  I usually try to sex them before then (but I don't separate them at that time), just to give a rough idea of the split between boys and girls, although it can be a bit difficult at this  young age.  Hamsters potentially become sexually active any time after 4 weeks, hence the importance of separating them out them.  Once you have separated them, double check and perhaps get a second opinion, just to be on the safeside.  By then it is usually pretty easy to tell them apart, but occasionally you'll have one that is difficult to determine.  If the mum is OK and doesn't appear too tired then she can stay with the girls.  If you feel that she needs to have a rest, then she can be taken away from them at that time. They will be ready for homing at about 5 1/2 - 6 weeks of age.

I don't know what you are feeding them, but by now they should be eating the standard hamster mix, some fresh vegetables daily (avoid lettuce as it can cause diarrhea), and you can also give other foods such as small pieces of cheese, scrambled egg or human baby food. I feed mine baby food until they are about 6 weeks old as this gives them a lot of extra nutrients and helps build their mum up too.

Hope you get on OK.
