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hamster loseing fur

21 13:25:43

i have a russion hamster she is 1 year old, she is losing fur all over her body mostly her back. she has got little black spots all over her body as well why is this happening to my hamster.

Hi Ayesha,

There could be a few reasons why your hamster's fur is falling out.  When a hamster ages, his fur can fall out, especially around his belly and hips.

Or, your hamster may have a skin allergy.  Make sure you're using Aspen or Carefresh beddings.  Pine and Cedar beddings cause skin allergies and infections.

Or, your hamster may have mites.  (Those little black "spots" on her body may be mites, if they're moving.)  Buy anti-mite spray for small animals at the pet store, and spray your hamster's body with it.  While you're spraying the hamster's body, cover his head.  Then, clean the cage and spray it with the anti-mite spray.

Also, make sure your hamster's cage isn't in a drafty area, such as beside a window or underneath an air conditioning vent.

If you have any other questions, please feel free to ask.
