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Narcoleptic Hamster

21 11:59:11

Hi Karen,

My partner and I brought home a hamster today.  She seemed to be acting fine at the pet store, however she keeps on falling asleep where ever she is.  At first we thought this was because of the traumatic experience of being taken from her brothers and sisters and being brought home (she was falling asleep in her carry box) but it has been going on all day.  She has slept curlted up in her new bed, for about 4 hours so i don't think she can be tired...but she just keeps on falling asleep.  For example if she is running in her wheel, she will just stop, fall asleep (standing up) then in about 30 seconds-2 minutes later she will just wake up and carry on doing whatever it was she was doing!  This has happened on and off every 5-10 minutes for the last 2 hours.

Many thanks,

Darren and Leah

Hi Leah,
   This could be from the stress of being taking to her new home. You should generally give a hamster at least 3 days to get used to their new home and cage. They should not be bothered during this time (just make sure she has food and water). Also keep her stress level down by keeping her in a quiet place.  After the third day you can start taking to her and putting your hand in her cage so she can start gaining your trust.

   If she does not start acting any better by November 1st,please write back and let me know. Also if you can, let me know her age.

Thank you for writing!