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My hamster is Sick!

21 13:32:48

I think my hamster may be sick, she has yellow gooey stuff coming out of her tushie, but she is still eating and drinking.  Is she seriously sick?  Please help

Hey, Danielle.

Female hamsters will secrete this 'yellow gooey stuff' a couple of times during their lifetime.  And since you mentioned that she's still eating and drinking, then chances are that she's not sick at all... so you shouldn't worry about this too much.  However, watch out for these symptoms:
-lethargy (lazyness)
-not eating
-not drinking
-any other sudden change in behavior
-the yellow stuff is still dere after a couple of days

If you notice any of those symptoms, then she might have a bladder or kidney infection.  These, however, can be cured by antibiotics that can be prescribed by a veterinarian.
Again, I think that she'll stop secreting the yellow stuff in 1 or 2 days, but if she doesn't or shows any other signs that indicate she's getting sick, then you should take her to the vet.  The vet will tell you what's wrong with her, and give her any treatment that is necessary.

Hope this helps, and I'll be glad to help you out if you need any more info on anything.  Best wishes.