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My gerble.....

21 11:55:20

I just got my gerble about....ummm....3 days ago....but it won't let me touch him or pick him up, I have to chase him around the cage. And my cat is always starring him down and I'm afraid to leave him alone. What should I do??
                                         Amy S.

I am not an expert on gerbils but I shall offer you the information I know.
You need to wait around a week for him to settle in, chasing him round the cage will only frighten him, simply creating a bigger chance of him biting you. Wait another few days for him to settle in, then slowly start stroking him on the back. Talk softly and continually to him so he gets used to your voice. It takes time and patience, but given that he should soon cooperate while you are stroking him. Put some food on your hand and wait until he comes up and eats from it. Again, with time, he will get used to your hand and know you mean know harm. When he is happy with that, gently curl your fingers round his body, and release them. Do this process over and over until he is completely happy with it. Then you can raise your hand slowly, just an inch or so, off the ground. Do this every day, getting a tiny bit higher each time, with your other hand above him, and eventually he will be out of the cage without even realizing it.
It WILL work if you give him time and do not rush onto the next step.
Wishing you the best of luck,