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hamster breeding and sickness

21 13:31:31

I have 2 questions. First my black bear hamster shadow is very sick. He is loosing alot of fur and constantly cleaning himself. Also he is always sleeping (even at night time) also his skin is peeling or somthing on his feet im not really sure though because its this weird brown stuff on his feet but im not sure what it is. And he is making really funny noises. Do u know what kind of sickness this is? is this just old age? he is a year and 7 months. Is there any suggestions? ok now one more question can u mate a dad and daughter together? thanks for your help! bye!   Alexa

Hi Alexa,

It sounds like your hamster needs to see a vet so that he can be properly diagnosed and treated.  It's not something that you can fix by yourself or with something from the pet store.  A vet can help you, and I wish you and your hamster luck.

As for the mating question, no, you cannot mate a father and a daughter together.  Interbreeding so closely can most likely produce deformaties and special sicknesses and diseases.  Also, if the father hamster has a dormant disease and the disease is also in the daughter, the offspring of the two can actively have the disease.  In short, it's just not a good or healthy idea.

If you have any other questions, please feel free to ask.
