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Puffy Gerbil fur?

21 11:59:20

Hi, I have two Gerbils. Raven (black female) and Racey (gray female) the were cagemates bought a day apart and surprise.. seperated and slowly being introduced daily (they forgot eachother during thier seperation). I have a hamster / gerbil wire play pen and I put them in it daily together and watch closly and increase the time spent. We are on day three. So fare a few tussles, but no blood or serious fighting. I'm crossing my fingers. I even add a little of the others bedding to the other cage so they can get use to eachothers scent. Are all these things good? Will they infact be friends again? Thier cages are side by side and they see eachother all the time.

My most pressing question is about Racey.. Her fur is not sleek and smooth as it was two days ago. I noticed it yesterday and still her fur is kind of 'puffed up" She is eating running on her wheel and otherwise acting  like her usual self. I'm worried that this new change is because she is ill... or since it started at the same time of her reintroduction to Raven.. is she just scared? I've looked to see online if puffed up fur is a sign of something fatal, but I havent read anything. Is it usual for thier fur to sometimes be 'messy?'

Please let me know! Thanks!

Hi Marissa,

Sounds like you are doing all the right things!! There is no definite guarantee though that you will get them to be friends, so just be patient, and keep on watching them! It could take a few weeks!

Puffed up fur in general does suggest a gerbil is feeling under the weather. You need to watch her and see if she continues to eat, drink and be active. You need to monitor her weight that she doesn't gain/lose loads, and look out for discharge around eyes/ears/mouth/bottom, watch out for sniffles or clicking sounds when she breathes, that there is no loss of balance etc!!

A puffed up coat is a general sign of the gerbil feeling a bit ill, so you won't find it means she has a particular illness! It could be absolutely anything!
I think you should continue observing for all that i have said above and if you notice any of these or anything else unusual, or her coat does not return to normal in a few days, then i would take her to the vets to be safe!!  My gerbils sometimes get puffy coats for a few days and then they return to normal!  Stress can be a factor as well.

I hope this helps you, but please ask anything you need,
Let me know how things get on,
Thank you,