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hamsters syrian

21 13:26:04

My daughters' hamster is a female.  Lately she has started standing very still for about 20 - 30 seconds on all four legs with her tail sticking straight up.  She plays in her cage as she normally does, however ever so often she will go very still and almost frozen.  She does not stop breathing.  She is about 6 months old.  Could this be behavior if she were in heat?

Hi Tracy!

Yes, this is exactly what female Syrian hamsters do when they are in heat.  I have to commend you for your observation skills, most people never notice when their pet hamster goes through heat cycles.  You must play with her a lot and be very in-tune to what her normal behaviors are.  :)  

By standing that way (and probably making noises that are pitched too high in frequency for us to hear) she is inviting a male.  Were she to be placed with a male, the matings would occur during the periods while she is standing still.  Then both parties would actively clean themselves, and it would start all over again.

Female hamsters go into heat every three to four days, unless, of course, they are bred and the breeding "takes" (or is successful).

This should not affect her quality as a pet.  Except for noticing these "invitation" periods, and possibly quivering or raising her rump in the air if you rub her spine or around the base of her tail, you should notice no real difference in her behavior.

Thanks, and again, great job on your observation skills!