Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Gerbils and Hamsters > Gerbils not eating much or drinking

Gerbils not eating much or drinking

21 12:00:13

Hi, this is my third day of owning two gerbils. I have a aquarium/wire cage which contains two levels with lots of tubes and nesting boxs. But my gerbils spend a lot of time sleeping and rarely eat and i have never see them drink or even inspect the water bottle, they occasionally go onto the higher levels but they dont eat from the dish or use the exercise wheel.
Just wondering if they are healthy and this is normal.
Hope you can help

Hi Gael,

If you have only had them a few days the chances are the move would've stressed them out. This may effect their eating/drinking!

It is normal for gerbils to drink very small amounts anyway, and so i wouldn't be too concerned about that yet. As long as the water bottle is in reach for them then they will know how to use it!!

Keep an eye on it for the next 5days, and if you find they are definitely not eating or drinking then maybe consider popping to your vets for a check up, but i think you will find they will be ok!!

I hope this helps, but if you find yourself worrying again feel free to ask me some more questions!!

Thank you,