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brown spots on my hamster

21 12:01:37

Hi Shawntiah my hamster is a black bear hamster and is getting me worried. The other day i noticed she was itching alot right above her hips so my brother and i gave her a bath(we thought she was just dirty). While washing her i relized that she was itching right above her hips an awful lot so i moved around her fur so i could see her skin and i saw a little brown spot my brother suggested that she just had a mole and he had seen it before but when i looked on the other side she had the same spot! could you please tell me if they are normal or if i should go to the vet asap thank you!
Kurious Kay + Gingy(my hamster)

hmmmm.... well hamsters do scratch right above their hips a lot but is she losing fur as well and are the black dots anywhere else on her skin? Gingy may have a bit of a skin irritation going on which is very common or she could be allergic to something. It's generally bedding being the most common thing hamsters are allergic to. Have you noticed anything else different other than the scratching? Like what about eating and drinking and weight loss? When a hamster is not feeling well you can easily tell by the fact that they stop eating and drinking and they lose weight really fast. I must say that I really don't think anything is seriously wrong with Gingy other than a skin irritation and a quick visit to a vet can really help and Gingy will feel much better and stop scratching so much. The black dots could be a sore or something since she is constantly scratching in that same place. Good luck with everything and keep me posted.