Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Gerbils and Hamsters > larg lump on back

larg lump on back

21 11:43:03

my hamster is about 1 and a half years old and recently i have found a large lump on her back but it was not weeping/bleeding then but a few days later i looked and there was a small amount of blood on the fur touching it ,she seems to be in no pain when its touched and is eatting and drinking normaly but i am very worried please help soon
thank you

I am not a medical expert so I cannot offer you the answer you seek.  However I do suggest your gently cleanse the area and examine it.  Sounds like it may possibly be a tick that was sucking the blood out of your hamster, if this is a tick then remove it. Otherwise take it to the vet.