Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Gerbils and Hamsters > female pregnant.

female pregnant.

21 11:43:17

QUESTION: Hi, I bought two female hamsters about 3 weeks ago. The one is very young but the other one was older. The older one is gaining weight very quickly and I think she may be pregnant. How can I tell? Also, What would happen if I keep both females together if she is pregnant. They love each others company and even though people say they will fight there seems to be no problem. Please help me I want to know before she has the babies. Thank you.

ANSWER: Hi Chelsea,

    Has the female you think may be pregnant been with a male recently (within the last 2 weeks)? If so, when?  I am guessing you have a type of Syrian hamster?

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Yes in the pet store she was with 20 other hamsters I noticed one was a male and he was quite large. So he must of been older. It was about 2-3 weeks I don't know the date.  Yes I have a Syrian hamster.

Hi Chelsea,

    Well if it was 3 weeks ago, she more than likely isn't pregnant, just chunky. If it was 2 weeks ago, she could be pregnant and would be giving birth anytime soon. A Syrian hamsters gestation period is 16 days.  At about 10 days into the pregnancy the hamsters sides will poof out (get fat). If she does give birth, the other female should be removed from the cage.
    I really don't feel she is pregnant, just getting older (older hamsters can gain weight quickly).
    You have two special hamsters, it is very rare for Syrian hamsters to live together without fighting and hurting each other.
    If you have anymore questions, please write again.

Thanks again for writing!