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Hamsters sleep area

21 13:28:18

Hi Kelly, Thanks for taking your time to help me. I have adopted 2 hamster sisters from the shelter about 10 days ago, they have been living together since they were born; they are about 2 months old.

The cage came with a little box on the side and they have been sleeping in this box. They make their beddings and also store their food up there, what I don't understand is that they also use it as their bathrooms. Because of this, I have to clean it out every night and I feel so bad, not not only that I have to work on it each day, I am also destroying their homes and they have to make a new one every day.

Please tell me if this is normal and is there a way I can break this habit?


Hi Rachael,

Yes, unfortunately it's quite normal for a hamster to use the bathroom in its sleeping area.  To help break this habit, encourage your hamsters to use the bathroom somewhere else in their cage, preferably a corner.  You can buy either unscented cat litter or litter made specifically for small animals - it doesn't matter.  Place a couple scoops of the litter in a secure, non-drafty corner of the cage.  Also, use a plastic spoon (or something of that nature) and scoop up some of their droppings and place it in the litter to encourage them to use it.  After a few days, most hamsters will begin using the bathroom in the litter.  Since litter is so absorbent, you only have to change it 2-3 times per week.

If you have any other questions, please feel free to ask.
