Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Gerbils and Hamsters > Noises?


21 12:01:57

Hi Kelly,

I have two Dwarf Russian Hamsters, Cream and Coco, Coco makes this cluking noise when you pick her up and Cream drinks alot of water    and itches herself alot but when you check her she has no fleas. So it will help alot to give me your great advice.


Hi Melanne,

Hamsters scratch themselves when they clean themselves.  You'll notice that they scratch, and then they put their foot into their mouth.  This is normal.  However, if your hamster is scratching excessively, she may have mites or a skin allergy.  You can't always see mites.  Buy anti-mite spray made for small animals at your pet store, and spray both of your hamsters' bodies.  (Shield the hamsters' heads while you're spraying).  Then, clean the cage and spray it with the anti-mite spray, as well.

Or, it could be a skin allergy.  Make sure you use Aspen or Carefresh bedding.  Pine and Cedar beddings are dangerous, as they not only cause skin allergies and infections, but they also cause respiratory infections.

As far as the clucking noise...hamsters can be pretty vocal, especially Dwarf hamsters.  Make sure you're being very gentle when you pick her up, and don't wake her up suddenly, then pick her up.  As long as you're handling her correctly, the clucking noise is just that - a harmless noise.

BTW, cute hamster names :)

If you have any other questions, please feel free to ask.
