Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Gerbils and Hamsters > Hammie and his wheel...

Hammie and his wheel...

21 11:50:34

Our new hamster (1 week) has a cage with an enclosed wheel at the top of a tunnel.  At first he used the wheel to run, but then he began spending time sleeping there as well, probably because it felt safe even though it is clear and sits above the top of the cage.  Today while we were at work and school, Hammie apparently spent the day moving bedding up the tunnel to his wheel.  He has made a bed up there.  Should I empty it out and do so each time he starts this or just ignore it except to clean the cage each week.  I am concerned that he can't use the wheel to exercise.  Should i buy another open wheel?  I don't know if there will be enough room in the cage for this unless we buy some extensions...his cage is a habitrail that allows for adding new pieces, more tunnels, etc.  


Hi Erin,

    You could empty the wheel out, but more than likely he will just fill it up again.  I would suggest just getting an open wheel for him. Some of the wheels you get can be attached to the side of the wire cages.
    Another thing to watch out for in cages with tubes is sometimes the hamster will will block up the tubes with bedding. When they do this, it should be cleaned out as soon as possible so that they do not block their selves in the tube and suffocate.
    If you have anymore questions, please write again.

Thank you for writing!