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Crusted eyes and wobbly

21 11:36:33

Well, i got my hamster, Fluffy (female), a while ago, at least a year, probably more. Either way, my hamster was always healthy, and active. But, i just looked at her last night, and her eyes were completely crusted shut! 0_o. So, i got a bit of water on my finger and sorta' rubbed (gently, i assure you) it in. I then gently attempted to open her eyelid (i could tell she was trying too). after a bit more water, i got both her eyes open. I then kept a closer eye on her through the rest of the day. I noticed she is very wobbly, and (most worryingly) seems to be breathing faster than usual. Also, when she breaths i can hear a sort of "pop" noise, like she has a slightly stuffy nose or something. my worry before i checked the web was that she had pnumonia, as i think that can cause the eye thing and breathing thing, and probably make her wobbly. now i read a few other Questions by other people, and think the eye thing may be a sign of ageing, and the wobbly-ness is the sign of a slight stroke =(... anyways, i would really like your expert opinion on this. Either way, her problems cannot be good...

How old was she when you got her? If she was over six months, she may just be ready to die. All of the hamsters that I have had died slightly different then yours is behaving. First, they spend most of their time in bed, and eventually go into a sort of coma. Their eyes get gooey, and by the next morning they are dead. If she was young when you got her, I would take her to a vet, but if she is two years old, I would just make her comfortable.