Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Gerbils and Hamsters > hamster not eating and swqarking think it may be dieing?

hamster not eating and swqarking think it may be dieing?

21 11:04:56

hi i have noticed in the last week or so my hamster hasnt been eating and drinking as normal and has begone to sqweel ans sqwark while awake and sleeping, i have gone to check on him/her tonight and the hamster is soaking with what i think is wee, is freezing cold (so i have it wrapped up atm trying to get warm) and is still squeeling worse than b4 and making like a sneezing noise! im very worried as its breathing really fast and seems to be walking ok and then all of a sudden falling over!!

any help is greatfull thanks!!

Hi Clare

Thanks for your question - I'm sorry to hear about your hamster.

You haven't said how old he is. It is hard to know for sure what is wrong without seeing him.  

Do you have a local vet that you can take him to?  I would advise getting someone to see him as he clearly sounds distressed.  If you don't know of any vets it is worth phoning one or two to check that they have someone who specialises in small animals.  Also check their fees - usually they have a much reduced fee for a hamster, but it is worth checking this before you go.

Hamsters are very prone to getting tumors - these often come with old age.  If it is this, then there is the possibility that it is abdominal and putting pressure on his legs/bladder/spiner etc. which would account for the falling over, soiling himself etc.

Is there any sign of blood or pus coming from his rear end?  Has his body shape changed at all recently - often with abdominal tumors the hamsters appear to have lost a little weight on their top half, but their bottom half tends to go quite rounded.  A cold hamster often indicates that their body is shutting down.

The important thing is to make sure he isn't suffering.  It could well be that if he is this ill, the vet will advise euthanasia, but if this is due to an infection of some kind, then they may be able to prescribe antibiotics and pain relief.  The only way to find out for sure would be to get a vet to check him out.

I hope you get on OK.
