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moi hamsters

21 11:35:47

ihave a boy and a girl hamster there brother and sister my daughter lets them have sleepovers (she doesn't understand) but now i think the hamsters pregnant will the babies be okay????????

Hi Keli

Brothers and sisters mating isn't a good idea because there can sometimes be deformities.  However, I accidentally mated a brother and sister once (I only found out they were brother and sister after mating them) and their babies were fine, the only thing wrong with any was that some of them had one red and one black eye!

Are these Syrian hamsters?  If so, the gestation period is 16-18 days.  If they are dwarf hamsters the gestation period is 18-21 days.

If you think the female is pregnant, don't over feed her.  Just give her the usual amount of hamster food and fresh vegetables.  Once the babies are born, then you can give her human baby food (powdered variety is best.  Mix with water and give her a small dish full every day. This will give her extra nutrients to be able to feed her young. Once the babies are about two weeks old and have left the nest they can eat this too if you put it on a jamjar lid so they can reach it.

Please let me know if you end up with a litter and I can offer advice if needed.
