Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Gerbils and Hamsters > Should I see a vet?

Should I see a vet?

21 12:00:32

Hi, my male hamster is over 2 years old and is still eating, drinking and acting normally.  The problem is that he seems to have a tumor that I would say could be testicular cancer, it has been getting progressively worse over the last 6 months and is now huge.  I am quite worried about it although I'm not sure if I should take him to the vet or not as he seems happy enough and is coming to the end of his life cycle anyway and I dont want to add unnecessary stress to his life, on the other hand if getting treatment will make him happier, healthier and in less pain (not that he has shown any sign of any pain) then I should take him.  What is your advice?

hi kat

this one is a difficult question.

id take him to a vet to see what he says, he'll either tell you it needs removed. or tell you to just leave it if its not causing him any pain. this is what id do if i were you. your not asking for any treatment but an opinion from a qualified vet will ease your mind. it shouldnt cost anything as its just a precaution.

thank you for your question and good luck. please let me know how you got on.

joanne :)